The Unsung and Unseen Heroes !!


For a very long time my heroes were Superman, Iron Man, Wonder Woman and all people having superpowers. But that was then. Today I am all grown up to understand the world better

First question that pops up in my mind is: Why do we need a Hero?

We need them as they save us in difficult situations like war, alien attacks, nuclear explosions etc. They also inspire us to be hardworking, strong, creative and sharp minded.

Now in this pandemic when we need these heroes the most, we don’t see Superman or Iron man flying in the sky and protecting all of us. But somebody is taking our care. Guess who? Yes, you are right, it’s our Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacist, Soldiers and Teachers. They are the real Heroes in disguise today.

Let me tell you why-

Doctors: As they risk their lives still coming to hospitals to cure us.

Nurses: As they are giving vaccines even if they are at open risk of getting that disease.

Pharmacist: As they are always there to provide you the best available medicines for any cure around the clock (24x7).

Soldiers: As they are still fighting for their country when their families are struggling for their lives at home.

Teachers: As they are putting full efforts to make sure that our young minds are kept constructive and educated throughout these gloomy times.

In one of the Sci-fi movies, my childhood Superhero aka “Superman”, once said “I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles”. So, it is important that we should keep praising and appreciating their efforts because they are the REAL HEROES

-Aarna Jain




  1. Bravo !! Nicely written

  2. Beautiful thoughts Aarna, Thanks for reminding us the real Heroes of life, which sometimes even we as adults take for granted

  3. Wow..very well written Aarna.Yes you are right this Corona times has truely make us all realize who are the real time heroes around us. Will wait for more of your articles ..keep it up !!


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